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Accessibility statement

The City of Wolmirstedt strives to make its websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1).
This accessibility statement applies to:

Content that is not accessible

  1. Videos partly do not contain subtitles
  2. Audio descriptions are not provided for videos
  3. No alternatives are offered for audio files and silent videos
  4. Some PDF documents are not accessible


The city of Wolmirstedt is constantly working to improve its web presence and, due to the abundance of material and the complexity of the site, has not yet been able to make all content and services digitally accessible.
The weaknesses listed above are continuously being reduced.

Alternative access routes

Re 4: In case of non-accessible PDF documents and non-usable forms, please make use of the contact option mentioned below.

Creation of this accessibility statement

This statement was created on 4/1/2022.
The BITV/WCAG self-assessment was used to create this statement.

Feedback and contact details

You can report deficiencies in compliance with accessibility requirements or request accessible information that does not need to be presented in an accessible manner.


Postal address:

August-Bebel-Strasse 25
039326 Wolmirstedt
Phone: 039201 64-6
Fax: 039201 64-800

Enforcement proceedings

If a request via the contact option remains completely or partially unanswered within six weeks, the responsible supervisory authority will examine, at the request of the user, whether measures are necessary in the context of monitoring vis-à-vis the operators of the website.

Contact information of the supervisor responsible for the enforcement procedure
State Office for Accessibility
Saxony-Anhalt Accident Insurance Fund
Käsperstraße 31, 39261 Zerbst/Anhalt

by e-mail:
Country Office:
Monitoring point:
Ombudsman’s Office:

By phone:
(03923) 7 51 – 17 5