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Advice on SED injustice for the Hanseatic city and district of Stendal

    12.12.2023 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Caritas advice center, Stadtseeallee 1

    Victims of SED injustice are entitled to relief from their suffering.
    The list of injustices is long: political imprisonment, subversion, groundless incarceration in asylums or institutions, forced resettlement, expropriation, denial of educational opportunities and school-leaving qualifications, state doping, and much more. In cooperation with the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Magdeburg and the Caritas Association for the Deanery of Stendal, the Commissioner of the State of Saxony-Anhalt is once again offering counseling on the following topics in particular: criminal and professional rehabilitation, recognition of consequential health damage, psychosocial support, access to Stasi files. In counseling, victims also receive support in coming to terms with their own political persecution.
    Particularly important for those affected: In 2019, the Bundestag lifted the deadlines for rehabilitation applications and expanded the range of benefits. The consultations are individual and of course confidential.
    As counseling is provided on a one-to-one basis, prior registration is strongly recommended. The usual office hours apply for registrations.

    Further information at:
    Representative of the State of Saxony-Anhalt for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship
    Contact: Schleinufer 12, 39104 Magdeburg, Germany
    Phone: 03 91 / 5 60-15 01
    Fax: 03 91 / 5 60-15 20