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Appointment of the municipal election officer and his/her deputy

    Public announcement of the city of Wolmirstedt

    Appointment of the municipal election officer and his/her deputy

    Pursuant to Section 3 (1) of the Local Election Code for the State of Saxony-Anhalt (KWO LSA) in the currently valid version, I hereby announce the names and addresses of the municipal election officer and the deputy municipal election officer for the new elections to the municipal representations, local councils and local chairpersons as well as the 10th direct election to the European Parliament in 2024, who were appointed by the City Council of the City of Wolmirstedt in its meeting on 30.11.2023.

    Municipal election officer: residentMr. Emanuel Hahn
    City of Wolmirstedt
    August-Bebel-Strasse 25
    39326 Wolmirstedt
    deputy. Municipal election officer: residentMrs. Katrin Trebes
    City of Wolmirstedt
    August-Bebel-Strasse 25
    39326 Wolmirstedt

    Wolmirstedt, 05.12.2023

    Marlies Cassuhn