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Bundeswehr brings tanks to Zielitz

    The Army Combat Training Center in Gardelegen is planning its next so-called road march on Wednesday, 5 February 2025. Large equipment will be driven from the Altmark training area to the K+S potash plant in Zielitz.

    The Combat Training Center has announced the marching times as follows: The march will start at 9 a.m. on February 5 at the Altmark barracks, and from around 9:30 a.m. it will proceed via the district road 1142 and then the A14 to Mose and Zielitz. The potash plant should be reached at around 10.15 am. Eight Marder 1A3 infantry fighting vehicles are to be taken by train to the Jägerbrück training area. The armored infantry of the 2nd company from the combat training center have to complete their annual live-fire training there.

    The return transport is scheduled for February 24, 2025. However, a marching time has not yet been allocated. The individual marches will be secured by the military police from Burg.