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Caroling for children’s rights

    Carolers bring the blessing to Wolmirstedt town hall

    Raise your voice – carol singing for children’s rights”: under this motto, carol singers will be traveling through many places in Germany in 2025 and collecting donations to improve the situation for children around the world. In Wolmirstedt, the carol singers returned to the town hall, where the kick-off for this year’s campaign took place. Mayor Marlies Cassuhn, several town hall employees and some citizens listened to the carol singers’ songs and also heard stories about children in Colombia and northern Kenya who have to grow up in difficult conditions. The 2025 carol singers are particularly committed to these two countries.

    Children have basic rights that apply worldwide. But millions of children are still in great need: 250 million of them, mainly girls, do not go to school worldwide. 160 million children have to work, around half of them under exploitative conditions. This is reported by the children’s missionary organization “Die Sternsinger”. The Sternsinger campaign, which takes place every year around Epiphany on January 6, is committed to offering children protection, support and participation and strengthening their rights worldwide. Donations were also collected in Wolmirstedt town hall. Together, Marlies Cassuhn and the carol singers then placed the blessing “Christus mansionem benedicat” (Christ bless this house) in front of the town hall door.