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Central Procurement Office


With the establishment of the Central Procurement Office, the City of Wolmirstedt, in intermunicipal cooperation with the Municipality of Niedere Börde, the Municipality of Barleben, the Municipality of Elbe-Heide, the Municipality of Möser, the Municipality of Biederitz, the City of Wanzleben-Börde and the Wolmirstedter Wasser- und Abwasserzweckverband, is pursuing the goal of standardizing procurement procedures and preventing corruption by strictly separating the formal implementation of procurement procedures from the awarding of contracts. Overall, this is intended to bring more transparency to the process of an award.

The Central Procurement Office conducts all procurement procedures. Their tasks include above all

  • the announcement of public tenders the provision of the tender documents
  • clarification of bidders’ questions during the award procedures
  • the realization of the submission deadlines
  • the formal and arithmetical examination of the tenders
  • the decision to award the contract after consultation with the departments
    and much more.

Among other things, the selection of bidders in restricted tenders and direct awards.

Current tenders

The award documents for the tenders can be requested and downloaded free of charge via the award platform

To register, click here.

Bidder file

In the case of restricted tenders and private treaties, the Central Procurement Office shall determine the group of bidders. For this purpose, the Central Procurement Office maintains its own bidder file. Therefore, you are advised to register in the bidder file. You can download the corresponding data entry form

Orders placed

The contracting authorities shall provide information pursuant to § Section 20 (3) VOB/A or Section 19 (2) VOL/A as of certain net contract values after restricted invitations to tender without a competitive bidding process (VOB/A and VOL/A 25,000 euros) and contract awards by private treaty without a competitive bidding process (VOB/A: 15,000 euros, VOL/A: 25,000 euros) for each contract awarded.

As of 01.02.2016 , the contract awards of the City of Wolmirstedt will be published on

Contact details

City of Wolmirstedt
Central Procurement Office
August-Bebel-Strasse 25
39326 Wolmirstedt

Phone: +49 39201 64 -763 or -702
Fax: +49 39201 64-795