Based on the resolution of the City Council of the City of Wolmirstedt dated 08.07.2021, the mayor issued a general order for the implementation of the street renaming to be carried out on 01.01.2022.
This was publicly announced on 05.10.2021 on the website of the city of Wolmirstedt at and additionally as a notice on the individual display boards in the municipal area.
In accordance with the public notice, the amendments announced in the general order shall enter into force on 01.01.2022.
The city of Wolmirstedt has the following information for the citizens in addition to the general order.
- As of January 2022, affected citizens* will have the opportunity to have the address on their personal documents changed. The city of Wolmirstedt will offer special office hours for this purpose. These dates will be announced in due time.
- The change of the address of the place of business for traders by means of a trade re-registration is done officially. It is not necessary to make an appointment in person. The official re-registration will be sent by mail.
- The aforementioned address changes are free of charge.
- A change of address must also be made in the vehicle documents. After consultation with the Börde District – Road Traffic Office – no costs are charged for the transfer of the vehicle registration, if the change of address (in this case change of street name) results from the municipal area reform. This is the case with the change of duplicate names of street names.
- The City of Wolmirstedt officially informs the following authorities and public bodies about the changed street names as of 01.01.2022 (no communication of personal data):
â–¡ all administrative offices of the city of Wolmirstedt
Börde County (including road traffic office, rescue control center, finance office)
â–¡ Haldensleben tax office
â–¡ Deutsche Post AG
â–¡ Wolmirstedt Police Station
â–¡ Wolmirstedt municipal utilities
â–¡ Wolmirstedter Water and Wastewater Association
□ Kommunalservice Landkreis Börde AöR
â–¡ Deutsche Telekom AG
â–¡ State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation
- All other offices and private contractual partners, such as banks, insurance companies, health insurance companies, etc., must be informed of the new address by the persons concerned themselves.
- Deutsche Post AG will continue to deliver letters and parcels using the old postal address for a transitional period of around six months. After that, mail distribution will be completely changed to the new address.
- Costs arising from the change of addresses cannot be borne by the City of Wolmirstedt. I ask for the citizens’ understanding for the necessary measures in connection with the change of address.
- The municipality bears the cost of purchasing and installing the new street name signs. For an appropriate transition period, the old street signs will be left next to the new ones. The old street name is crossed out in red on the street signs.
Wolmirstedt, the 15.11.2021
M. Cassuhn