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Installation of information boards

    Funding for the creation and installation of information boards at frequently used access points to Natura 2000 sites in the Börde district

    Börde county
    Office for Planning and Environment
    Nature conservation and forestry

    As part of the EAFRD funding (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development), the district of Börde, as the lower nature conservation authority, was granted funding amounting to just over € 180,000. These are used to set up information boards on frequently used paths in and along the Natura 2000 area.

    After 21 information boards had already been set up in the Börde district in 2023, the FFH area “Untere Ohre” (FFH0024), the FFH area “Elbaue südlich Rogätz mit Ohremündung” (FFH0038) and the bird sanctuary “Elbaue Jerichow” (SPA0011), among others, are now to receive their own boards.

    Natura 2000 is characterized by an interlinked network of protected areas throughout the European Union, which has been established since 1992 on the basis of the Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). Together with the Birds Directive of 30.11.2009, the aim is to conserve and restore endangered wild animal and plant species and their natural habitats throughout Europe.

    The planned information boards will be erected with wooden stands at frequently used access points and will serve to provide nature-loving citizens with descriptions, pictures and maps to make the valuable protected area accessible.

    The local recreational opportunities in the surrounding area will be enriched and nature tourism will be sensibly managed in order to avoid damaging particularly sensitive areas.

    Children have also been taken into consideration and many different “fun facts” and suggestions for games make the special conservation purpose of the area understandable and interesting. The child-friendly depictions of otters, kingfishers, pipistrelle bats and brook lampreys also encourage children to put themselves in the animals’ shoes and actively support their protection.