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Public announcement of the city of Wolmirstedt

    With the planning approval decision of the district Börde of 18.11.2022, the plan of GP Günter Papenburg AG, Waldweg 4 in 39326 Wolmirstedt OT Farsleben, on the construction and operation of a landfill of landfill class 0 in the district of Farsleben, parcel 1, parcels: 48, 50, 52, 183 and 189, as well as in the district of Mose, parcel 3, parcels 5/2 and 5/3, has been established in accordance with § 35 paragraph 2 of the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG) in conjunction with § 74 paragraph 1 of the Administrative Procedure Act.

    The zoning decision was subject to conditions and requirements to meet the conditions of approval. It also contains the result of the environmental impact assessment pursuant to Section 35 (2) sentence 2 KrWG for the project.

    In the zoning decision, a decision was made on all objections, claims and suggestions submitted in good time.

    The zoning decision, together with a copy of the approved plan and instructions on how to appeal, will be available for public inspection from 07.12.2022 to 21.12.2022 inclusive at the following official buildings and times:

    Municipality of Wolmirstedt, First floor info point,
    August-Bebel-Strasse 25 in 39326 Wolmirstedt
    during the public office hours
    Tuesday 09.00-11.30 and 13.30-17.30
    Thursday 13.30-15.30
    Friday 09.00-11.30
    or by prior appointment by telephone (039201 646).

    Börde County, Office of Planning and Environment, Room 202a
    Triftstraße 9-10 in 39387 Oschersleben (Bode),
    Tuesdays 12:00 – 18:00
    or by prior appointment by telephone (03904 7240 4128).

    At the end of the display period, the zoning decision shall be deemed to have been served on the other parties concerned.

    Cassuhn Wolmirstedt, 21.11.2022