Entry into force of development plan no. 38/20 “New stadium construction -Samsweger Straße” City of Wolmirstedt
The Wolmirstedt City Council adopted development plan no. 38/20 “New stadium construction – Samsweger Straße” – City of Wolmirstedt as a statute at a public meeting on 28/09/2023. The development plan comes into force when the announcement becomes effective (see Section 10 (3) of the German Building Code). The development plan, including the explanatory statement and summary declaration, can be inspected at the Wolmirstedt City Council, August-Bebel-Straße 25, in the Urban Development Department, Room 103 (old building) during the following office hours. Information can be obtained from the responsible member of staff, Ms. Bunk of the Urban Development Department, on the following telephone number: 039201/ 64768.
Location of the plan area

Location in the room:
[TK 10/06/2016] © LVermGeoLSA (www.lvermgeo.sachsen-anhalt.de)/ A 18/1 – 6021577 / 2011
Office hours:
Tuesday 09.00 to 11.30 and 13.30 to 17.30,
Thursday 13.30 to 15.30
outside of these hours by appointment.
At the same time, the development plan no. 38/20 “Stadionneubau Samsweger Straße” of the City of Wolmirstedt, together with the explanatory statement and summary declaration, can be viewed on the City of Wolmirstedt’s website at www.stadtwolmirstedt.de under “Rathaus-Bekanntmachungen”.
Reference is made to the provisions of § 44 para. 3 sentences 1 and 2 BauGB on the due date of any claims for compensation in the case of the pecuniary disadvantages described in §§ 39-42 BauGB, the payment of which must be applied for in writing from the party obliged to pay compensation, and § 44 para. 4 BauGB on the expiry of claims for compensation if the application is not made within the period of three years is referred to.
A violation of the provisions set forth in sec. 214 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 1-3 and para. 2 BauGB, as well as deficiencies in the weighing of interests pursuant to Section 214 (2) of the German Civil Code. 3 sentence 2 BauGB are required pursuant to § 215 para. 1 Nos. 1-3 BauGB are irrelevant if they have not been asserted in writing to the city within one year of this announcement. The facts which are to justify the violation or the defect shall be stated in the notification of validity.
Wolmirstedt, 02.07.2024
M. Cassuhn