Public participation in the procedure pursuant to § 3 para. 2 BauGB and information about the public display of the development plan No.38/20 “New stadium – Samsweger Straße” City of Wolmirstedt
The City Council of Wolmirstedt has in its meeting on 01.12.2022 the draft of the development plan No.38/20 “Stadionneubau – Samsweger Straße” City of Wolmirstedt with the accompanying explanatory memorandum including the environmental report for public display in accordance with § 3 Abs.2 BauGB determined.

The draft of the development plan, including the explanatory memorandum, the environmental report and the available environmentally relevant statements and expert opinions, can be viewed by anyone and are available for inspection during the period of
from 02.01.2023 up to and including 03.02.2023
on the Internet on the homepage of the City of Wolmirstedt at under the item City Hall -Notices and at the Citizens’ Info Point of the City Hall of the City of Wolmirstedt, August-Bebel-Straße 25, 39326 Wolmirstedt during the following opening hours:
Monday and Wednesday: from 07:30 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:50
Tuesday: from 07.30 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 18.00
Thursday: from 07:30 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:30
Friday: from 07.30 till 12.30
or by appointment.
During the display period, it is possible to submit comments in writing, electronically by e-mail to: or for recording.
If there are access restrictions to the interpretation site during the specified period, which are issued in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the interpretation will be carried out on the Internet in accordance with Section 3 of the Planning Security Act (PlanSIG) of May 20, 2020, as amended. On telephone agreement (phone no. 039201 64768), contact person Mrs. Bunk, City Administration, Department of Urban Development of the City of Wolmirstedt, August-Bebel-Strasse 25, 39326 Wolmirstedt, an inspection is possible in the City Hall.
The following types of environmental information are available:
- Environmental report for the Development Plan No.38/20 “New Stadium – Samsweger Straße” City of Wolmirstedt
- Environment-related comments from the specialist authorities from the early involvement of the authorities and other public bodies in accordance with § 4 Para.1 BauGB
- Acoustical expert opinion on the relocation of the central sports stadium of the city of Wolmirstedt dated 26.07.2021 and acoustical expert opinion according to 16.BImSchV for the rededication of the road near the planned sports stadium dated 22.09.2021 from the office ECO Akustik Ingenieurbüro für Schallschutz, Barleben
- species protection law Expert opinion in the area of validity of the development plan No.28/20 “Stadionneubau / Samsweger Straße” according to the principles of nature conservation in accordance with § 44 BNatSchG of August 2021, ISA Ingenieure für Städtebau und Architektur, Heltersberg
- species protection law Expert opinion in the area of validity of the development plan No.28/20 “Stadionneubau / Samsweger Straße” Planned rainwater retention basin according to the principles of nature conservation in accordance with § 44 BNatSchG of August 2021, ISA Ingenieure für Städtebau und Architektur, Heltersberg
They contain environmental information on the following objects of protection:
- Floor
- Statements on the status quo and assessment of the protected asset as well as expected interventions in the environmental report
- Statements on the subject of protection regarding the required investigation of soil contamination and explosive ordnance in the statement of the Börde district dated 28.06.2022
- Statements on subsurface conditions in the statement of the State Office for Geology and Mining dated 30.06.2022
- Animals and plants/biotope types:
- Statements on the status quo and assessment of the protected asset as well as expected interventions in the environmental report
- Statements on species protection of the species protection Expert opinion in the area of validity of the development plan No.28/20 of August 2021
- Water
- Statements on the status quo and assessment of the protected asset as well as expected interventions in the environmental report
- Statements on the object of protection in the statement of the Börde district dated 28.06.2022
- Landscape
- Statements on the status quo and assessment of the protected asset as well as expected interventions in the environmental report
- Climate and air
- Statements on the status quo and assessment of the protected asset as well as expected interventions in the environmental report
- Man
- Statements on the status quo and assessment of the protected assets as well as expected interventions in the environmental report
- Statements of the acoustic expertises of 26.07.2021 and 22.09.2021
- Cultural and material assets
- Statements on the status quo and assessment of the protected assets as well as expected interventions in the environmental report
- Information on cultural monuments in the statement of the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and Archaeology dated 28.06.2022
- Information on archaeological concerns in the statement of the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and Archaeology dated 11.07.2022
- Protected areas and protected landscape elements according to BNatSchG and NatSchG LSA
- Statements on the existing situation and assessment as well as expected impacts in the environmental report
The environmental report is part of the explanatory memorandum. The other environmental statements and expert opinions are part of the documents that have been issued and can be viewed on the Internet.
Comments that were not submitted in time during the public and authority participation process can be disregarded when the decision on the development plan is made (Section 4a (6) of the German Civil Code). BauGB).
Privacy Information:
The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of Art.6 Para.1 Letter e Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) in conjunction with Art.6 Para.3 Letter b DSGVO and § 3 Baugesetzbuch (BauGB). For further information, please refer to the data protection information in the context of urban land use planning. Planning Office (phone no. 039204 911660).
M. Cassuhn Wolmirstedt, 06.12.2022