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Public participation on rail noise

    Federal Railway Authority starts public participation on rail noise on 13.03.2023

    The Federal Railway Authority will start the first phase of public participation in the context of noise action planning for both citizens and municipalities on Monday, March 13, 2023. Over the next six weeks, all people who feel disturbed by rail noise can participate in the noise action planning on federal railroads and comment on their noise problems by Monday, April 24, 2023. For this purpose, the Federal Railway Authority has activated the participation platform

    The Federal Railway Authority’s noise action planning provides for two participation phases. In the first participation phase, citizens are given the opportunity to present their noise situation on the federal railroads in detail. Following the evaluation of the first participation phase, the Federal Railway Authority will publish the draft of its noise action plan at the end of 2023. This is followed by the second participation phase. During this public participation phase, citizens can evaluate the draft and provide feedback on the process.