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Request to register unknown rights

    Amt für Landwirtschaft,
    Flurneuordnung und Forsten Mitte
    Außenstelle Wanzleben
    Ritterstraße 17-19
    39164 Stadt Wanzleben – Börde
    Az.: 15.5 – 611B1.4/BK 0073

    Public announcement
    Invitation to register unknown rights

    By resolution dated 09.08.2024, the voluntary land swap “WMS Flächentausch” was ordered for the following parcels of land with the reference BK 0073:

    Wolmirstedt district,
    , parcel 1, parcel: 6/44,
    parcel 35, parcel: 204,
    parcel 36, parcel 151

    With regard to the aforementioned parcels of land, pursuant to § 14 para. 1 of the Land Consolidation Act (FlurbG), the holders of rights which are not evident from the land register but which entitle them to participate in the voluntary land swap are hereby requested to register their rights within 3 months – calculated from the first day of this announcement – with the Office for Agriculture, Land Consolidation and Forestry Central, Wanzleben branch office.

    In particular, the following can be considered:

    a) holders of rights to the land belonging to the land consolidation area or of rights to such rights or of personal rights which entitle them to own or use such land or restrict the use of such land, e.g. leasehold, rental and similar rights (§ 10 No. 2d FlurbG);

    b) rights to the land belonging to the land consolidation area that are not entered in the land register, in particular rights to landfill or other easements, such as water supply rights, rights to roads, water or fishing rights, etc. that were established before January 1, 1900 and therefore did not require entry in the land register;

    c) Rights to real estate that have not yet been entered in the land register or the real estate cadastre.

    At the request of the Office, the applicant must provide evidence of his right within a period to be set by the authority. If the deadline expires without result, the applicant shall no longer be involved.

    If rights are only registered or proven after the expiry of the aforementioned deadlines, then pursuant to § 14 para. 2 FlurbG, the Office shall accept the previous negotiations and determinations.

    The holder of a license pursuant to § 14 para. 1 FlurbG must be exercised in accordance with § 14 para. 3 FlurbG must accept the effect of the expiry of a time limit prior to the application in the same way as the party for whom the time limit was first set in motion by notification of the administrative act.

    On behalf

    gez. Konstanze Cleve (DS)

    Note on data protection

    Due to the legal mandate under the Land Consolidation Act, personal data is processed in the present land consolidation procedure in accordance with the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). The data protection information can be viewed on the Internet at: or can be obtained from the ALFF Mitte.