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Zone 30 in Glindenberg?

    Zone 30 km/h in the entire Glindenberg area yes / no ?

    Dear citizens of the village of Glindenberg,

    It is possible under traffic law to designate the entire area of Glindenberg (i.e. from the town signs of the access roads) as a 30 km/h zone.

    What does zone 30 km/h mean?

    – The start of the 30 km/h zone is indicated by sign 274.1.

    – The zone is abolished with 274.2.

    – A maximum speed limit of 30 km/h applies. This means that only 30 km/h is permitted on Breite Straße and Wolmirstedter Landstraße (playground).
    – Right of way within a 30 km/h zone is generally regulated by “right before left”.
    This regulation will further calm the traffic.

    All citizens of the village of Glindenberg will have the opportunity to vote for or against a 30 km/h zone in the entire village of Glindenberg on election day on 09.06.2024 at the polling station. There will be a separate ballot box at the polling station for this purpose and the corresponding ballot papers will be available on site.

    Those who prefer to vote by post but still want to take part in the opinion poll can print out the ballot paper from the municipal website from 01.06.2024, cast their vote with a cross and then post the ballot paper in the local mayor’s private letterbox.

    All declarations of intent deposited in the local mayor’s letterbox by 10.06.24 at 10.00 a.m. will be included in the vote count.

    As a result, the local council hopes to gain a picture of the opinions of its citizens and thus help them make a decision.