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Implementation of the dike show 2023


    According to the Water Act for the State of Saxony-Anhalt 5 94 para. 7 valid in the version from 01.04.2011
    last amended by Article 21 of the Act of 07 July 2020 (GVBl. LSA p. 372 are published in the period between 24.04. and 05.05.2023 looked at the levee sections of the municipality/city.

    In accordance with 5 95 of the Water Act for the State of Saxony-Anhalt, the Show Commission has the right:

    • Enter land, navigate waters, and inspect facilities.
    • Inspection of as-built and operating documents of water management
      Facilities to take
    • Arrange for a demonstration of the operability of water management facilities as necessary to conduct the show.

    Owners and residents must keep the paths along the dikes clear for the performance of the show, as well as take precautions with regard to unhindered access to the property.

    Every citizen has the opportunity to participate in the dike show at their own risk and expense. The dates of the individual sections can be found in the attached table or can be obtained from the municipality/city or the Schönebeck River District.

    If you have any questions or comments regarding the dike section in question, please contact the relevant administrative community/town council or write to the:

    State Office for Flood Protection and Water Management
    Schönebeck river basin
    Official width 1
    39218 Schönebeck