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Notice of the WWAZ

    On February 28, 2023, the Association Assembly of the Wolmirstedter Wasser- und Abwasserzweckverband (WWAZ) adopted the 2nd Amendment Statute to the Association Statute (Resolution 01-2023), the 1st Amendment to the Wastewater Disposal Statute (Resolution 02-2023) and the 5th Amendment to the Wastewater Levy Statute to the Wastewater Disposal Statute Part Wastewater of the WWAZ (Resolution 03-2023). The approvals were granted pursuant to Sec. 14 para. 2 GKG LSA by the municipal supervisory authority dated 27.04.2023. The amendments to the Articles of Association have been published in the Official Gazette of WWAZ 3rd year issue No. 1 on 28.02.2023.