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Announcement of the call for nominations

    City of Wolmirstedt Municipal election officer

    Public announcement of the call for nominations for the municipal representative elections in the town of Wolmirstedt on 09.06.2024

    For the local elections on 09.06.2024, on the basis of § 15 of the Local Elections Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (KWG LSA) and § 29 para. 2 of the Local Election Regulations of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (KWO LSA), as amended, for the election to the representative bodies:

    1. number of representatives and maximum number of applications

    Municipal representationNumber of council membersMaximum number of candidates per nomination
    City of Wolmirstedt2833
    Elbeu local council510
    Mose local council510
    Farsleben local council510
    Glindenberg local council712

    The order of the candidates must be evident from the election proposal. The election proposal of an individual candidate (individual election proposal) may only contain the name of this candidate.

    2. number and delimitation of the electoral areas

    A polling district has been formed in the electoral area.

    3. declarations of support for election proposals

    Each election proposal for

    the election to the city council must be at least 98
    The election to the local council in Elbeu must be attended by at least 7
    The election to the local council in Farsleben must be held by at least 7
    The election to the local council in Glindenberg must be attended by at least 10
    The election to the local council in Mose must be held by at least 2

    of those entitled to vote in the relevant electoral area on the election day must be signed personally and by hand (Section 21 Para. 9 KWG LSA). Only declarations of support received between the date of this announcement and 02.04.2024, 18:00 hrs. have been submitted. Each person entitled to vote may only sign one nomination. If he or she has signed several election proposals, his or her signature on election proposals received by the municipality after the first certification of the right to vote is invalid. The original signatures of the persons entitled to vote must be on official forms in accordance with Annex 6 KWO LSA must be provided. In addition to the signature, the surname, first name, date of birth and address (main residence of the signatory and the date of signature) must also be indicated.

    The signatures of persons entitled to vote may be waived by fulfilling the requirements of § 21 para. 10 sentence 1 no. 1 b and c KWG LSA for the election to the city council and local council.

    In addition, the following parties and voter groups fulfill the requirements of § 21 para. 10 sentence 1 no. 1 a and no. 2 KWG LSA and are therefore also exempt from providing signatures, as they have been continuously represented by at least one member in the city council and/or, if applicable, in the local council of the city of Wolmirstedt since the last election on the day of the election day on the basis of their own nomination.

    Election to Wolmirstedt City Council

    Christian Democratic Union of Germany(CDU)
    Alternative for Germany(AfD)
    Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
    Free Democratic Party(FDP)
    WG: Kommunale Wählergemeinschaft Börde(KWG-Börde)
    WG: Independent Voters’ Association Wolmirstedt(UWG-Wolmirstedt)
    WG: Free Independent Voters’ Association(FUWG)
    WG: Wolmirstedt Voters’ Association Plan B(WWP)

    Election to the local council (localities: Elbeu, Mose, Farsleben, Glindenberg)

    Christian Democratic Union of Germany(CDU) for all localities
    Alternative for Germany(AfD) for all localities
    THE LEFT(DIE LINKE) for all localities
    Social Democratic Party of Germany(SPD) for all localities
    Free Democratic Party (FDP) for all localities
    ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS(GRÃœNE) for all localities
    WG: Kommunale Wählergemeinschaft Börde(KWG-Börde) for the villages of Elbeu, Mose, Farsleben
    WG: Farsleben Independent Voters’ Association (UWG-Farsleben) for the village of Farsleben
    WG: Wolmirstedt Voters’ Association Plan B(WWP) for the village of Elbeu

    The parties who fulfill the requirements of § 21 para. 1O sentence 1 no. 1 b and 1 c KWG LSA may only submit nominations as such if they have notified the state returning officer of their participation in the election no later than on the 97th day before the election (March 4, 2024, 6:00 p.m.) and the state electoral committee has established their party status. The written statutes and the written program of the party as well as proof of a national executive committee appointed in accordance with the statutes must be attached to the notification. n. The notification should be accompanied by proof of party status pursuant to § 2 para. 1 sentence 1 of the Political Parties Act.

    The election proposal should be submitted in accordance with the template in Annex 5b of the KWO LSA. It must fulfill the requirements set out in § 21 para. 6 KWG LSA must contain information on the personal details of a candidate, the name of the party or the name of the electoral group and, if applicable, its abbreviated designation as well as the electoral area and the electoral district. The names of the candidates must be listed in a recognizable order. The name and address, telephone number and e-mail address of the representative or their deputy should be included. It is permissible to nominate an applicant as a representative or their deputy.

    The following annexes are to be attached to the election proposal in accordance with § 30 para. 5 KWO LSA to be attached:

    1. Declaration of consent of the candidate to the nomination in accordance with the model in Annex 8a KWO LSA, as well as the declaration that he/she has not consented to any further nomination as a candidate in the election proposal for the municipal representations (City Council of the City of Wolmirstedt and local councils);
    2. Affirmation in lieu of an oath by citizens of other member states that they are not disqualified from voting under the laws of the state of which they are a citizen or have lost their eligibility or capacity to hold public office as a result of a judge’s decision; this affirmation must be submitted to the municipal returning officer in accordance with the specimen of the Annex 8a KWO LSA;
    3. Certificate of eligibility for election in accordance with the sample Annex 9a KWO LSA;
    4. For each candidate whose election would result in an incompatibility of office and mandate pursuant to § 41 KVG LSA, a declaration as to whether, in the event of election success, he or she wishes to resign from the employment or service relationship or renounce the mandate in accordance with the model Appendix 9c KWO LSA;
    5. Minutes on the determination of the candidates and their order in accordance with § 24 KWG LSA and the model in Annex 10 KWO LSA (does not apply to individual candidates);
    6. For each candidate who belongs to the party, a certificate of party membership from the party organ responsible for the electoral area (does not apply to individual candidates);
    7. For each candidate who does not belong to the party, a declaration signed by him/her that he/she is not a party member.

    For further information on the content and form of nominations for the election of municipal representatives (Wolmirstedt City Council and local councils), please refer to §§ 21 ff. KWG LSA and §§ 30 ff. KWO LSA.

    4. submission deadline

    The deadline for submitting nominations ends in accordance with section 21 para. 2 sentence 2 KWG LSA on Tuesday, 02.04.2024, 18:00 (68th day before the election).

    The nominations must be sent by post to the following address

    City of Wolmirstedt
    Election office
    August-Bebel-Str. 25
    39326 Wolmirstedt

    or in person at the above address.