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Public notice

    Initiation of the 1st amendment of the development plan No. 28/13 “Fabrikstraße / Schwimmbadstraße” with local building regulations – City of Wolmirstedt in the procedure in accordance with § 13a BauGB (German Civil Code)

    Initiation decision

    The City Council of Wolmirstedt has decided in its public meeting on 29.06.2023 to initiate the 1st amendment of the development plan No. 28/13 “Fabrikstraße / Schwimmbadstraße” – City of Wolmirstedt. The development plan procedure is to be carried out in accordance with § 13 a BauGB within the framework of “internal development” in an accelerated procedure. An environmental impact assessment will not be conducted. A noise protection expert opinion is prepared.

    Objectives of the development plan

    Over the last few years, the situation has changed in that the resident company has moved its production facility to another location. At present, the site in question is defined in the development plan as a restricted commercial area (§ 8 BauNVO).

    The planning objective is to define an urban area (§6a BauNVO) in order to be able to classify residential uses in addition to the non-essentially disruptive commercial uses for offices that are to be maintained. The continued existence and development of the companies located in the area, in particular Tank- und Stahlbau GmbH, is to be ensured.

    The area is located within the West redevelopment area. The urban redevelopment of the area is in line with the objectives of the urban redevelopment.

    The scope of the 1st amendment to the development plan

    The spatial scope of the 1st amendment of the development plan No. 28/13 “Fabrikstraße / Schwimmbadstraße” includes the following parcels of land of the Wolmirstedt district (Flur 28): 241, 125/7, 125/8, 289 and 290. This is an area of about 1.01 ha to be restructured.

    Location of the plan area

    Location of the plan area

    The public may obtain information on the general objectives and purposes of the development plan under preparation during the following public consultation hours:

    Tuesday: from 09.00 to 11.30 and from 13.30 to 17.30
    Thursday: from 13:30 to 15:30
    Friday: from 09:00 to 11:30

    or by appointment at the Wolmirstedt municipal administration, 39326 Wolmirstedt, August-Bebel-Strasse 25, Department of Urban Development/Civil Engineering, Room 103. Appointments outside the public office hours can be made with the responsible employee Ms. Bunk, Tel.: 039201/64768 or by e-mail at

    Wolmirstedt, the12.07.2023

    M. Cassuhn