Sale of building land for multi-family houses in 39326 Wolmirstedt in an attractive, central location

Property data for the sales object:
3 plots are available for development with apartment buildings in the Wolmirstedt district, parcel 28, parcel 343 (1,327 m2), parcel 345 (1,251 m2) and parcel 366 (1,565 m2)
The properties are directly adjacent to “Heinrich-Heine-Straße” as a municipal traffic facility. This means that they already have the necessary infrastructure in place, apart from the fiber optic connection. The property connections must be installed by the building owner. Overall, a new residential area with terraced houses and detached houses for families with a garden city character is being created here, which will be complemented by the development of apartment buildings. Schools, the swimming pool and a daycare center are located in the immediate vicinity The plots were historically part of a development with a hospital and its traffic areas. There are connections to public transportation (train, bus). The state capital Magdeburg is 12 km to the south and the junction to the A2 is 10 km away.
The building land lies within the scope of development plan no. 32/16 “Heinrich-Heine-Straße” Wolmirstedt. Plots 343 and 345 can be developed as a “general residential area” within the building boundaries in accordance with the provisions of the development plan. A II-III storey, open construction method is possible, maximum ridge height 12 m, with 0.4 as the floor area ratio and 1.2 floor area ratio. The areas are developed building land.
An excerpt from the development plan can be viewed at www.stadtwolmirstedt.de.
According to the provisions of the development plan, plot 366 is located in an “urban area” in accordance with Section 6a BauNVO. The same criteria apply here for the extent of development, with the exception of the floor area ratio of 0.6.
Minimum bid:
The minimum bid should be 135.00 euros/m2. The purchase offer should include the price for the m2 purchase area. The minimum offer is based on a current market value appraisal.
The procedure:
Natural persons, investors and property developers who are planning to build on one or more plots of land with apartment buildings are entitled to submit a purchase offer and make a purchase. Among these applicants, the buyer will be determined according to the highest bid and the construction concept submitted. Among other things, the aim is to provide an attractive inner-city residential location, taking into account the criteria for sustainable, ecological construction, offering various multi-room apartments, special greening of one’s own living environment and equipping the apartments (e.g. balcony).
The City reserves the right to invite subsequent bids, to postpone the sale or to conduct a new sales offer procedure.
The participants in the process are informed of the result accordingly. The final determination of the buyer is made by resolution of the main committee. The legally binding acceptance of the purchase offer only arises for the city upon notarization. The data contained in the public sales offer does not constitute a contractual offer; no guarantee is given for the accuracy and completeness of the information.
The purchase agreement will contain a building obligation.
The purchase offer:
The purchase offer must be submitted in writing and within the deadline in a sealed envelope labeled
Offer plot of green housing (MFH)
must be submitted by February 20, 2024.
It should be sent to the following address:
Wolmirstedt city administration
Finance department – Ms. Gruß
August-Bebel-Strasse 25
39326 Wolmirstedt
The date of receipt is the date of receipt of the mail.
Minimum content of the purchase offer:
Personal details of the applicant/prospective buyer
Brief justification of the purchase interest
Presentation of a concept for the planned development and use of the property
Purchase price offer in euros
Statement on payment of the purchase price (if necessary, enclose a financing commitment from a bank)
Please use the contact details for inquiries and information. Photos are available by e-mail.
M. Cassuhn
Finance department
Andrea Greeting
August-Bebel-Strasse 25
39326 Wolmirstedt
Phone: +49 39201 64727
Fax: +49 39201 64791
E-mail: a.gruss@stadtwolmirstedt.de